Ringmaster/ Chief Steward: Helen Kirkpatrick 

Enquires: Helen Kirkpatrick  0438 082 482 


Entries on Event Secretary—Limited to 145 horses



***Regulations below and General Regulations [elswhere on this site] apply.***




Featuring:   44 FLORAL GARLANDS

For many champions and supreme champions.

See schedulefloral garland 

Exercise area – all day 

On arena to left of ring one (Opposite the Hack Ring) 

Affiliated with 

Victorian Agricultural Societies (V.A.S.) 

Performances count for the Royal Melbourne Show. 


  1.  All entries to be on all purpose entry form in the schedule.
    2. No entries accepted unless accompanied by entry fee
    3. Members children still attending secondary school may enter on
    member’s ticket
    4. Entry fees: Pre-paid $4-00 Enter on day $5-00
    5. Stud Book Registration numbers must be written on entry forms
    6. A novice is a competitor who has not won first prize at an
    Agricultural Show or at a Gymkhana. .
    7. Show Hunter - Ponies and Hacks with a little more substance than
    is required for a show horse. A quality animal with bold, free
    movement and reliable temperament. A gallop may be required. The
    outfit for the Show Hunter classes is more subdued than that of usual
    saddle classes. Saddlery should be clean, neat & plain. There should
    be no coloured browbands. Rider should also be plain with no hair
    ribbons or flowers.
    8. A horse that wins Champion is then ineligible to compete in the
    same class in the other rings (refer Rings 1 & 2 only)
    9. All stallions must be visibly entire. Stallions may not compete in
    saddle classes, unless specified.
    10. Local Event competitors must reside with 40km of Beaufort.
    11. In riding classes, 18 years & under, proof of age may be required.
    Age to be taken as on day of show. Children under 12 years required
    to use snaffle bridles in riding and smartest on parade.
    12. Any rider, riding a horse at an EFA or affiliated event, must wear
    protective head gear to the current Australian, European or American
    standard. The retaining harness must be secured and fastened at all
    times. Riders without approved headgear and boots shall be ineligible
    to compete until rectified. This rule applies to all events, not just
    under age competition.
    13. The Beaufort Agricultural Society will not be liable for any loss,
    damage or injury to any horse, property or person.
    14. Any Pony, Galloway or Hack considered by the judge to be over
    or under height to be measured by the official measurer.
    15. In height classes exhibits may be transferred at the discretion of
    the judge.
    16. The stewards reserve the right to vary the order of events if
    deemed necessary.
    17. The Judge’s decision will be final. Classes will not be held up for
    late entrants.
    18. Any protest, which must be in writing, must be in the hands of
    the Ringmaster no later than one half hour after the class. Protest to
    be accompanied by $50, which will be forfeited if the protest is
    deemed frivolous or not upheld.
    19. All Competitors must abide by General Rules & Regulations
    printed in schedule or available from the Program Secretary –Fleur
    Hillman. (5349 7364)
    20. The committee reserves the right to add, delete or alter any
    21. No exercising in Caravan Park area.
    22. All enquiries for arena events to be directed to Helen Kirkpatrick
    on 0438 082 482 or 5349 8235 after hours.
    23. All dogs to be kept on a lead at all times. Offenders will be asked
    to leave the grounds.
    24. All exhibitors must obey the direction of an official of the Society,
    including parking attendants or leave the grounds.
    25. Any winner or competitor not wishing to have their names
    printed in the press or handed on to the appropriate bodies must
    notify the Show Secretary in writing by 4.30 pm on Show Day.