- All entries must be made in writing and lodged with the Secretary, as per sections. Please assist by entering as soon as possible
- All exhibits must be the bona fide property or work of the exhibitor, and if required a declaration is to be made to that effect
- All exhibits must remain on the ground until 4.15pm on Showday unless special permission, in writing to remove same is given by the Secretary.
- The society will not be responsible for any accident or damage that may be caused through or by any exhibit. It shall be a condition of entry that each exhibitor shall not hold the Society liable, and shall indemnify the Society against any legal proceedings arising from such accident.
- Membership entitles the holder to admission to Showgrounds for Member, Spouse & Children (Sec. School age & under), also discounted entry fees.
- No judge shall be an exhibitor in the sections in which he/she is judging.
- A judge may award a second or third prize instead of a first, or may withhold a prize altogether where exhibits are not considered worthy. The Committee reserves the right to withhold a prize altogether where there is only one exhibit competing, even if the judge has awarded a prize, or The Committee may give a second prize instead of a first prize.
- When a judge thinks any article or stock worthy of a prize and none is offered, that judge may recommend an award for the Committee's consideration.
- Any person insulting or interfering with the judges, stewards or officers of the Society during the show will be subject to removal and the prizes (if any) awarded to such person may be forfeited.
- Any exhibitor or attendant who refuses to attach the prize card to any exhibit for which a prize is awarded, and to display same during the hours of exhibition, will, on proof thereof to the Committee, be disqualified from receiving all prizes awarded for such exhibit during the show. No exhibitor will be allowed to display any prize card in addition to those issued by the Society for the year.
- Should any exhibit having gained a prize be disqualified, the next in line does not necessarily receive the prize. The decision of the Committee on all points shall be final without recourse. The Committee, with or without the advice of the judge shall make the final decision.
- All persons exhibiting shall accept, subject to reservation in Clause 11, the decision of the judge appointed by the Society as to the merits of their exhibits, and in the case of protests alleging infringement of the regulations, the Committee decision shall be accepted as final and without appeal.
- Protests against awards must be lodged with Secretary, in writing before 4.00pm on Show day, with a deposit of $10. This may be forfeited to the Society if the protest be found, on consideration, to be without substance or frivolous. All Events operate as per rules & regulations for that section.
- Judges and Stewards shall wear a ribbon by way of identification.
- Prize cards will be printed and attached to the successful exhibits as follows:- First - blue; Second - red; Third - black or yellow.
- The Society will not be liable for exhibits.
- The Committee reserves the right to refuse of cancel any entry without giving reason for so doing.
- The Committee may withhold a prize where an exhibitor makes erroneous or fraudulent statements in his/her entry. The entry as well as the exhibitor may be disqualified from exhibiting at the Show, for a period as determined by the Committee. A disqualified exhibitor, if also a member, shall be liable to expulsion from the Society.
- All entries shall be made in accordance with the rules & regulations of the Society. Entries shall be accepted only on that basis.
- The Society is prepared to give liberal encouragement to various novelties calculated to improve existing and new industries.
- Prize lists and entry forms and any other necessary information in connection with the show may be obtained from the Secretary.
- Until a Member's subscription, entry fee etc., are paid in full, no prize or trophy shall be claimed
- All dogs must be tied up on a leash at all times unless competing in trials, races or jumps.
The Beaufort Agricultural Society Inc. is committed to providing a safe, healthy and environmentally acceptable Showgrounds for all stakeholders. The Society shall maintain an effective health and safety program so far as is practicable and shall endeavour to comply with all statutory and Common Law requirements.
All competitors and exhibitors have a "Duty of Care" to avoid exposing themselves or others to unsafe situations that could lead to injury or damage.
- DUTY OF CARE All competitors have a "Duty of Care" to avoid exposing themselves or other people to unsafe situations that could lead to injury. The "Duty of Care" includes the prevention of damage to property.
- DIRECTION OF BEAUFORT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY INC Competitors must comply with any reasonable request of Society representatives.
- EMERGENCY INFORMATION Competitors should be familiar with Emergency Information and maps showing Emergency Assembly Points located at the Show/Secretary's Office.
- FIRST AID: During the Beaufort Show, St. Johns Ambulance or an appropriate alternative provides First Aid services.
- EMERGENCY FACILITIES Fire fighting or other emergency equipment must not be removed or used for any other purpose. Missing or unserviceable equipment should be reported to Administration
- HAZARD & INCIDENT REPORTING Competitors must notify the Area/Pavilion Supervisor or Administration immediately if any hazards are detected or incidents occur. Hazards or incidents are any situations that could result or has resulted in:- a) The injury, illness or death of any person b) The injury, illness or death of any animal c) The damage, destruction or loss of property. d) Fire e) Other
- WASTE DISPOSAL All waste, including liquids, must be disposed of responsibly. Storm drains must not be used for the disposal of waste.
- HOUSEKEEPING All areas must be kept in clean and tidy order with clearly defined and available access and exit routes at all times. Build up of combustible waste must be avoided.
- SLIPS, TRIPS & FALLS Care must be taken to minimize trip hazards and obstacles that people may walk into. Avoid laying unprotected cables or pipes on or above paths, walkways or roads.
- MEDIA COMMENTS Media comment about matters involving the Beaufort Show or the Showgrounds is coordinated by the Administrator.
- SMOKING Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, within 10 meters of a building entrance, around combustibles, during public performances or while handling hazardous materials.
- ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT a) Exhibitors/Competitors should supply their own Residual Circuit Device (RCD) "Safety Switch" for installation at each power outlet they use. b) Extension cords must be earthed and all electrical appliances must be earthed or double-insulated. Appliances must be in a sound working order. c) All electrical leads and temporary electrical equipment should be tagged and tested. d) The use of double adapters is strictly prohibited. Power boards must be fitted with current overload protection. e) Radiant electric or gas heaters are prohibited. f) Light sockets must not be used for any other purpose than for lighting. g) No naked flame permitted.
1. All entries to be on all purpose entry form in the schedule.
2. No entries accepted unless accompanied by entry fee
3. Members children still attending secondary school may enter on member’s ticket
4. Entry fees: Pre-paid $3-00 Enter on day $4-00
5. Stud Book Registration numbers must be written on entry forms
6. A novice is a competitor who has not won first prize at an Agricultural Show or at a Gymkhana. Intermediate means that a horse/pony has not won a 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize at any Australian Royal Show.
7. Show Hunter - Ponies and Hacks with a little more substance than is required for a show horse. A quality animal with bold, free movement and reliable temperament. A gallop may be required. The outfit for the Show Hunter classes is more subdued than that of usual saddle classes. Saddlery should be clean, neat & plain. There should be no coloured browbands. Rider should also be plain with no hair ribbons or flowers.
8. A horse that wins Champion is then ineligible to compete in the same class in the other rings (refer Rings 1 & 2 only)
9. All stallions must be visibly entire. Stallions may not compete in saddle classes, unless specified.
10. Local Event competitors must reside with 35km of Beaufort.
11. In riding classes, 18 years & under, proof of age may be required. Age to be taken as on day of show. Children under 12 years required to use snaffle bridles in riding and smartest on parade.
12. Any rider, riding a horse at an EFA or affiliated event, must wear protective head gear to the current Australian, European or American standard. The retaining harness must be secured and fastened at all times. Riders without approved headgear and boots shall be ineligible to compete until rectified. This rule applies to all events, not just under age competition.
13. The Beaufort Agricultural Society will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury to any horse, property or person.
14. Any Pony, Galloway or Hack considered by the judge to be over or under height to be measured by the official measurer.
15. In height classes exhibits may be transferred at the discretion of the judge.
16. The stewards reserve the right to vary the order of events if deemed necessary.
17. The Judges decision will be final. Classes will not be held up for late entrants.
18. Any protest, which must be in writing, must be in the hands of the Ringmaster no later than one half hour after the class. Protest to be accompanied by $50, which will be forfeited if the protest is deemed frivolous or not upheld.
19. All Competitors must abide by General Rules & Regulations above - also printed in schedule, or available from the Program Secretary – Fleur Hillman (5349 7364)
20. The committee reserves the right to add, delete or alter any classes.
21. No exercising in Caravan Park area.
22. All enquiries for arena events to be directed to Helen Kirkpatrick on 0438 082 482 or 5349 8235 after hours.
23. All dogs to be kept on a lead at all times. Offenders will be asked to leave the grounds.
24. All exhibitors must obey the direction of an official of the Society, including parking attendants or leave the grounds.
25. Any winner or competitor not wishing to have their names printed in the press or handed on to the appropriate bodies must notify the Show Secretary in writing by 4.30 pm on Show Day.